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Tasley Garden Village

Help shape emerging outline proposals for Tasley Garden Village, a new community of high-quality homes, green spaces, community facilities, employment space and a new country park for Bridgnorth.

Family-owned housebuilder, Bloor Homes, is leading the preparation of an outline planning application for Tasley Garden Village. Tasley Garden Village is a development identified as a proposed allocation in the draft Shropshire Local Plan to meet the growth and development needs of Bridgnorth over the next fifteen years, as well as helping to meet wider housing needs.

The emerging outline proposals

Informed by the draft allocation in the emerging new Shropshire Local Plan, Bloor Homes is leading the preparation of a comprehensive masterplan for the site. Taylor Wimpey, who previously consulted on earlier iterations of the masterplan retains control of a smaller part of the site and is working with Bloor Homes on the wider masterplan. The emerging site-wide vision is to deliver a holistic development providing: 

  • A landscape-led development of up to 1,500 high quality homes in a range of styles and tenures, with a bespoke design approach unique to Tasley Garden Village. 
  • Up to 20% of the new homes will be affordable homes, providing opportunities for key workers and people on low incomes to secure a home of their own in Bridgnorth.
  • Opportunities to provide homes for people seeking to downsize into more manageable homes or secure an accessible property, including the potential to provide bungalows. 
  • Specialist Older People’s accommodation.
  • A new two-form entry primary school to meet the needs of the new community.
  • A community hub providing a range of facilities including local convenience retail, community space, and mobility hub.
  • 14.6ha of employment land, with uses geared towards commercial space, light industrial and agri-business.
  • A masterplan shaped by the existing landscape, with the retention of the vast majority of trees and hedgerows on the site, augmented by the planting of hundreds of new trees.
  • A 19.5ha country park providing opportunities for recreation and habitat enhancement.
  • Sports pitches for community use. 
  • A network of walking and cycling routes through extensive green open space on land that has previously been largely inaccessible to the public. 
  • A focus on connectivity with Bridgnorth Town, including speed limit reductions on the A458 with signal-controlled crossing points and a development designed to accommodate potential bus routes.
  • An extensive package of investment into local infrastructure and services, as well Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) payments which are expected to be in excess of £20million (at current prices) to be generated by the development.

How does the planning process work?

The plans for Tasley Garden Village are still at an early stage, with a holistic outline application now being prepared. Feedback from this consultation will help to shape the emerging outline plans prior to the outline planning application being submitted.

An outline planning application establishes the broad principles of development, such as access arrangements, illustrative concept layout, number of homes and general extent of development.

When an outline planning application is submitted to the local planning authority (in this case Shropshire Council) it is then subject to a formal consultation called a Statutory Consultation. This includes consultation with a range of statutory consultees such as the local NHS Integrated Care Board, the local education authority, the lead local flood authority, Natural England, local and national highways authorities, local town and parish councils, and many others, as well as the wider community.

If outline planning consent is granted, detailed planning applications called Reserved Matters planning applications would be prepared for each phase of the development as they come forward. These planning applications would include more detail such as architecture, materials, detailed layout and landscaping, and would be subject to further consultation with the local community before being submitted for determination. As with an outline planning application, Reserved Matters applications are also subject to Statutory Consultation.

Overall, the process can take a number of years between an outline planning application being submitted and development on first phases commencing. For a development such as Tasley Garden Village, phases of development would then be progressed over a number of subsequent years. We have set out a rough guide to anticipated timescales in the timeline at the bottom of this page, however it is important to note that this is approximate and is very much dependent on local planning authority timescales and matters arising during statutory consultation.

Have your say

We want to ensure that the emerging proposals for Tasley Garden Village align as much as possible with the priorities and aspirations of the communities in Tasley, Bridgnorth, Morville and the surrounding area.

Bloor Homes and Taylor Wimpey have created this website to provide an opportunity for members of the community to view the emerging masterplan for Tasley Garden Village and provide feedback on your priorities and aspirations for new homes, open spaces and facilities in Bridgnorth to help shape a unique garden village development that meets the needs of the community now and in the future.

Pre-application consultation, February 2025

Following our early-stage online survey which ran over December 2024 and January 2025, we are now carrying out more detailed pre-application consultation. This will help to inform an outline planning application for Tasley Garden Village which will be submitted in 2025. 

Once you have had an opportunity to read an overview of the proposals, and view the site for Tasley Garden Village on our interactive map, please take a few minutes to provide feedback via our feedback questionnaire.

Consultation drop-in events

To complement our online consultation, we will also be presenting the information from this website at consultation drop-in events in Tasley and Bridgnorth. This will provide an opportunity for members of the community, including those who have limited access to the internet, to view the proposals, speak to members of the project team, and provide feedback.

The consultation events will take place as follows:

Wednesday 12th February 2025
Venue: Bridgnorth Rugby Club, Edgar Davis Ground, Bandon Lane, Bridgnorth, WV15 5AD
Time: 2pm – 7pm

Thursday 13th February
Venue: St Leonard’s Hall Church, Racecourse Drive, Tasley, WV16 4NR
Time: 11am – 5pm


Early-stage introductory online engagement

December 2024/January 2025

An opportunity for local people to provide initial comments on local priorities and aspirations as we continue to work on the emerging concept masterplan.

Formal pre-application consultation and local drop-in exhibitions

January/February 2025

More detailed online consultation with further information as plans evolve, with local drop-in exhibitions to be held in community venues. Please ensure you opt-in to receive email notifications of events.

Outline Planning application

March 2025

We will submit our outline planning application for Tasley Garden Village to Shropshire Council and update this website with information about the submitted plans. Email notifications will be sent to all who have opted-in to receive them advising of the outline planning submission. 

Statutory Consultation

March 2025 to April 2025

Shropshire Council will carry out their own statutory consultation on our submitted plans, seeking feedback from statutory bodies such as Tasley and Morville Parish Councils, Bridgnorth Town Council, the local NHS, education providers and highways authorities, as well as members of the public.

Outline planning application determined

In line with Shropshire Council planning timescales

Shropshire Council will make a decision on the granting of planning permission.

Reserved matters planning applications

Later 2025/early 2026 for initial phases and ongoing into future years as phases come forward.

Should outline planning permission be granted, we will then prepare detailed Reserved Matters planning applications for the first phases of Tasley Garden Village. This will involve further consultation with the community on these matters of detail prior to the Reserved Matters planning applications being submitted. 

Find out more and have your say: