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Feedback questionnaire

Once you have time to read an overview of the outline plans and view the interactive map, please take a moment to complete the following feedback questionnaire. 

Please ensure all feedback is submitted by 5pm on Friday 28th February 2025 to ensure that it can be taken into account as we finalise the outline proposals ahead of a planning application in the Spring of 2025.

General principle

Noting that the site was identified as a preferred option to meet housing and employment needs over the next 15 years by Shropshire Council, and proposed as an allocation in the emerging new Local Plan following extensive consultation, do you welcome our broad approach to Tasley Garden Village, aiming to deliver on the aspirations of the Local Plan?

Illustrative masterplan

Mindful that the illustrative masterplan is for indicative purposes at this early stage, do you have any comments on the suggested layout?

New homes

We will be proposing a range of house types, from starter homes, accessible homes and later living (including the potential for bungalows) through to larger family homes. Do you welcome this broad mix?


We are proposing a bespoke design approach unique to new homes at Tasley Garden Village, giving it a distinctive sense of place. Is this something you welcome?

It is envisaged that the new homes will incorporate a range of measures to ensure they meet the very latest standards in sustainability and energy efficiency. Is this important to you?

Community facilities

A range of community facilities are proposed within Tasley Garden Village, in addition to a two-form entry primary school. What would you like to see provided if possible?

Green infrastructure

Do you welcome proposals for green corridors accommodating public walks and cycle routes?

The emerging outline proposals are shaped by the existing landscape, with the vast majority of existing trees and hedgerows retained and augmented with extensive new planting to deliver biodiversity net gain. Do you welcome this approach?

The emerging outline proposals are shaped by the existing landscape, with the vast majority of existing trees and hedgerows retained and augmented with extensive new planting to deliver biodiversity net gain. Do you welcome this approach?


Play and recreation

Do you welcome the provision of play areas and sports pitches within the scheme?

We are currently suggesting the provision of an adult football pitch and three junior pitches. Do you welcome this mix?


Are there other specific recreation / play facilities would you like to see delivered in the scheme?

Access and travel

Do you welcome our broad approach to promoting connectivity with Bridgnorth, including speed limit reductions, signalised crossings, potential bus routes and active travel routes?

What improvements do you think could be made to pedestrian and cycle routes and facilities between the Tasley Garden Village and Bridgnorth to ensure connected communities?

Are there specific areas on the wider local highways network that would benefit from improvement?


The allocation for Tasley Garden Village includes employment space to the west of the site. It is envisaged that this would provide commercial space, as well as space for light industrial and agri-business uses. Do you welcome this mix?


General comments

Do you have any other comments or suggestions on the emerging outline plans for Tasley Garden Village?

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