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The site at Tasley provides a great opportunity to deliver a sustainable and attractive new Garden Village that follows Garden City principles.

The 122.41ha site is located to the southwest of Bridgnorth, south of the A458 and west of the B4364 Ludlow Road. In addition to its connections to Bridgnorth, it also has good links to the towns of Shrewsbury, Stourbridge, Wolverhampton and Telford. It benefits from existing facilities and services within Bridgnorth and will provide new local services and facilities for the new and existing communities.

Bridgnorth has been identified within the emerging Shropshire Local Plan as the third largest town within Shropshire and acts as a principal service centre for the town and surrounding rural settlements.

Tasley Garden Village provides a sustainable and logical location for a new Garden Village to help accommodate Bridgnorth’s future development needs and the majority of the site has been identified as a draft allocation for this purpose in the emerging new Shropshire Local Plan.

Tasley Garden Village site location plan

Tasley Garden Village site location plan - click to enlarge

Site constraints and opportunities

The site is not located within the greenbelt and has few technical constraints to sustainable development. For this reason it was deemed an appropriate and sustainable location for future residential and employment development in the emerging Local Plan. Detailed environmental and technical studies through the Local Plan process have provided a robust understanding of the site which has helped inform our emerging concept proposals through an iterative design and assessment process. For example, while the majority of the site is located outside of any flood zones, there is a flood zone associated with the Tiddle Brook within the southern extents of the site. No development is proposed in this zone, which we are proposing should be used to create part of a new country park for Bridgnorth.


Site constraints plan - click to enlarge

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