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The outline proposals for Tasley Garden Village

Informed by and building on the vision for Tasley Garden Village set out in the draft new Local Plan, Bloor Homes and Taylor Wimpey is proposing a site-wide holistic development delivering:

  • A landscape-led development of up to 1,500 high quality homes in a range of styles and tenures, with a bespoke design approach unique to Tasley Garden Village.
  • Up to 20% of the new homes will be affordable homes, providing opportunities for key workers and people on low incomes to secure a home of their own in Bridgnorth.
  • Opportunities to provide homes for people seeking to downsize into more manageable homes or secure an accessible property, including the potential to provide bungalows.
  • Specialist Older People’s accommodation.
  • A new two-form entry primary school to meet the needs of the new community.
  • A community hub providing a range of facilities including local convenience retail, community space, and mobility hub.
  • 14.6ha of employment land, with uses geared towards commercial space, light industrial and agri-business.
  • A masterplan shaped by the existing landscape, with the retention of the vast majority of trees and hedgerows on the site, augmented by the planting of hundreds of new trees.
  • The creation of extensive areas of green public open space throughout the new community.
  • A 19.5ha country park providing opportunities for recreation and habitat enhancement.
  • A network of walking and cycling routes through extensive green open space on land that has previously been largely inaccessible to the public.
  • Sports pitches for community use.
  • A focus on connectivity with Bridgnorth Town, including speed limit reductions on the A458 with signal-controlled crossing points and a development designed to accommodate potential bus routes.
  • An extensive package of investment into local infrastructure and services, as well Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) payments which are expected to be in excess of £20million (at current prices) to be generated by the development.

Illustrative site layout

We have created an illustrative presentation masterplan of Tasley Garden Village showing how the proposed development could appear. It should be noted however that this is for illustrative purposes at this early stage in the outline planning process and is subject to change as a result of ongoing consultation and technical work.

Tasley Garden Village site location plan

Illustrative presentation masterplan showing how Tasley Garden Village might look. Click to open interactive map.

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