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Homes and community facilities

House types

The planning application will be an outline planning application. This type of planning application sets out the broad principles of development, such as concept layout, infrastructure and access arrangements. Details such as house types, architecture etc would be subject to subsequent further planning applications for each phase of the development (called Reserved Matters planning applications). These would involve further consultation with the community.

An example of an existing Bloor Homes development

An example of an existing Bloor Homes development - Click to enlarge

At this stage, a mix of high-quality homes is envisaged, in a range of styles and tenures, and with a bespoke design approach that will be unique to Tasley Garden Village following broad garden village principles. This would include family homes, affordable homes, accessible homes that are adaptable to the changing needs of residents, bungalows, and specialist older people’s accommodation. We would welcome your feedback on the types of homes you would like to see prioritised.

Affordable homes

It is anticipated that up to 20% of the new homes at Tasley Garden Village will be affordable homes, in line with the draft Local Plan allocation.

Local centre

At the heart of Tasley Garden Village will be a community hub, featuring a new primary school, potential spaces for local convenience retail as well as other community facilities. Specialist older people’s accommodation is also proposed to be located close to the community hub, ensuring older members of the community have easy access to facilities.

As part of the local centre proposals, there is scope to accommodate local healthcare provision. However, initial discussions with the local NHS Integrated Care Board suggests that the expansion of provision at Northgate Health Centre in Bridgnorth is their preferred approach.

New primary school

In line with the draft allocation in Shropshire’s emerging Local Plan, a new two-form entry primary school will be delivered in the heart of the new garden community, close to the local centre. This will ensure that the needs of the new community are met without increasing pressure on existing primary schools. Alongside the provision of this new primary school, funding will also be generated to expand secondary school provision in the local area, and this will be determined in consultation with the local education authority.

An example of a new primary school from another development

An example of a new primary school from another development - Click to enlarge

A new country park for Bridgnorth

A key landscape feature of Tasley Garden Village is the 19.5ha country park to the south of the development. This provides a key open space providing a new recreation resource for the Bridgnorth community to interact with nature.

Biodiversity and habitat creation will be a key feature of the country park and this will be enhanced and protected through a careful maintenance regime and carefully considered human intervention.

A detail from the illustrative masterplan showing part of the 19.5ha country park for Bridgnorth

A detail from the illustrative masterplan showing part of the 19.5ha country park for Bridgnorth - Click to enlarge

Sports and recreation pitches

New sports pitches in the south-east section of Tasley Garden Village will provide an important recreational facility for the new neighbourhood and the wider community.

The pitches will be well connected with the active travel network within Tasley Garden Village. Final provision will be determined alongside consultation with local people and in collaboration with the local authority to ensure they balance with the needs of the community, however our illustrative masterplan proposals envisage an adult football pitch alongside three junior football pitches. There is also the potential to provide changing facilities.

Sports pitches will be provided with suitable drainage so that all year-round activity can be provided.

A detail from the illustrative masterplan showing the location and potential mix of sports pitch provision

A detail from the illustrative masterplan showing the location and potential mix of sports pitch provision - Click to enlarge

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