Site access
Primary vehicular access to the residential development at Tasley Garden Village will be provided via a new roundabout junction on the A458. This will complement the access to the adjacent Tasley Gateway development. Secondary access will be provided by a new compact roundabout junction on the B4364 Ludlow Road.
These two access roundabouts will be linked by a spine road through the site. This will be designed to accommodate bus services and will have segregated foot and cycle links alongside.
There will be a separate dedicated access from the A458 further to the west to serve the proposed employment site. There will be foot and cycle links between the employment site and the residential areas of Tasley Garden Village, as well as the potential for a bus link.
Connectivity across the A458
A key consideration with the delivery of Tasley Garden Village is to ensure good connectivity with Bridgnorth, ensuring connected communities and promoting sustainable modes of transport for local journeys.
The access proposals for the site will deliver a reduction in the speed limit on the A458, with as associated signing and lighting strategy to change its nature to a more urban route, further calming traffic speeds. Signal controlled pedestrian and cycle facilities are proposed to cross the A458, and there will be the provision of new foot and cycle routes along the A458 and on Ludlow Road.
Work is ongoing to investigate the potential to deliver improvements to foot and cycle links between the site and Bridgnorth Town centre. It was clear from feedback in our online survey in late 2024 that this is an important consideration for local people.
The development has been designed to accommodate bus routes, and discussion with local bus operators are ongoing with a view to provide bus services between Tasley Garden Village and Bridgnorth town centre.
Walking and cycling
In addition to the extensive new walking and cycling infrastructure being provided as part of the access proposals set out above, there will also be a network of walking and cycling routes within the proposed development, placing active travel front and centre of movement proposals for Tasley Garden Village. In addition, there are a number of existing public rights of way that cross the site. These will be improved as part of the development proposals to enhance their accessibility.
The wider network
A key theme in our initial online survey was around the potential impact of development on the local highways network. Extensive technical work is ongoing to investigate the potential impact of development on key junctions across the local network. This will inform any necessary mitigation and improvement works required, to be funded by the proposed development.