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Investing in local infrastructure

In addition to the community facilities and new school being provided at Tasley Garden Village, an important consideration with a planning proposal such as this is to ensure that other key local services receive the investment they need to accommodate housing growth in Bridgnorth.

The development will generate significant investment into local infrastructure such as highways, healthcare and education, and this will be informed by formal consultation carried out by Shropshire Council with statutory bodies such as the NHS, local education authority and highways authority. This investment will be secured via legal agreement between the development partners and the Council.

In addition to this direct investment into schools, healthcare, highways and other local services, the development will also provide Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) payments which is anticipated to be in excess of £20 million based on current prices.

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Local healthcare provision

Our online survey demonstrated that local healthcare provision is a key priority of local people. As set out above, the development of Tasley Garden Village will generate significant funding to expand local healthcare provision to meet the needs of the growing population.

The Tasley Garden Village project team has carried out early engagement with the local NHS Integrated Care Board. While there is scope to accommodate healthcare provision within the proposed local centre at Tasley Garden Village, the indication from the local NHS is that their priority is to receive funding from the development to expand the existing Northgate Health Centre. It is envisaged at this early stage that the development will provide in the region of £1.6 - £1.8 million to facilitate this expansion. This will be confirmed through statutory consultation on the outline planning application once submitted.

The proposed development will generate significant funding to expand local healthcare provision in consultation with the local NHS Integrated Care Board

The proposed development will generate significant funding to expand local healthcare provision in consultation with the local NHS Integrated Care Board

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