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Green infrastructure, ecology and environment

Garden Village principles and extensive areas of green public open space will ensure that the natural environment is part of the community’s everyday life, providing opportunities to meet and play, strengthening social connections and encouraging active travel, as well as providing landscape and ecological enhancements. The emerging concept masterplan for Tasley Garden Village has its foundations in the existing fabric of the site, working with the underlying topography and retaining and enhancing the site’s natural assets, including hedgerows, trees, ponds and drainage corridors.

It is envisaged that the principles underpinning this development will deliver Biodiversity Net Gain in line with national requirements, and where possible exceed this.

Extensive areas of green public open space are a key feature of the proposed development, permeating the neighbourhood and providing the setting for a network of new walking and cycling routes and extensive outdoor community facilities. In addition, a new 19.5ha country park will provide a new recreation resource for the Bridgenorth community to interact with nature.

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Framework landscape plan for Tasley Garden Village

Framework landscape plan for Tasley Garden Village - click to enlarge

Sustainable homes

The new homes will be built to last and designed to achieve low carbon living. It is envisaged at this stage that the development is likely to be gas-free, with air source heat pumps provided to all new homes. Infrastructure for EV charging will also be provided to homes as standard.

Homes for nature

Both Bloor Homes and Taylor Wimpey have signed up to the Homes for Nature programme. This includes a commitment to see a bird-nesting brick or box installed for every new home built, as well as hedgehog highways as standard on every new development.

Bird box


An ecological appraisal of the site has been undertaken. This confirms that there are no statutory or non-statutory designated sites of nature conservation interest within or directly adjacent to the Site. Nor are there designated sites of nature conservation interest occuring within 1Km of the site, or internationally designated sites of nature conservation importance within 10km of the site.

However, two sites of special scientific interest (SSSI) of national importance occur within 2km of the site. It will be important therefore to ensure that the drainage and infrastructure is carefully designed and discharges from the site do not impact the nature conservation interest of these sites. The Tiddle Brook flowing through the site flows into Mor Brook which passes directly through Thatchers Wood SSSI. As such, flows from the site must ensure quality and quantity of water leaving the site has no effect on habitat downstream or provides betterment.

The site is largely comprised of arable land and improved grassland which is of low biodiversity value. However there are areas of habitat within the site such as hedgerows, mature trees, ditches and ponds. The garden village proposals will see the protection and enhancement of these features wherever possible, delivering biodiversity net gain in line with national requirements, and exceeding these where possible.

Bird box


An Arboricultural Assessment has been carried out to inform the emerging proposals. This identified a mixture of species including oak, ash, hawthorn and blackthorn as being dominant through the site, with lower numbers of sycamore, willow and hazel. Seven trees were identified that are considered to be of veteran status.

The development will be landscape-led, being shaped as much as possible by existing landscape features such as hedgerows, trees and field patterns. While some of minimal tree loss will be necessary for features such as access routes, the constraint-led nature of development will see the retention of the vast majority of existing trees, including the identified high-quality veteran trees. In addition, with extensive planting proposed, the development provides an opportunity to significantly increase tree cover in the local area without the loss of any arboriculturally significant trees.



To ensure the potential for obtrusive light associated with the proposed development is suitably mitigated, a Lighting Impact Assessment is being prepared to support the outline planning application. This will be informed by baseline lighting surveys to ensure it accurately and robustly assesses the effects of lighting on residential amenity, ecology receptors, as well as landscape and visual Impacts. A sensitive lighting strategy will set out the lighting design principles and parameters for the proposed development, with mitigation measures required to reduce light spill, glare and upward light embedded within the strategy.

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