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The Environment Agency (EA) Flood Map for Planning demonstrates that the majority of the site is located with Flood Zone 1, and as such is deemed to be at the lowest risk of fluvial flooding.

There are small areas of Flood Zone 2 and 3 in the southern extents of the site associated with the Tiddle Brook. No development is proposed within these zones, which we are proposing should be used to create part of the new country park for Bridgnorth.

The EA surface water flood risk mapping also demonstrates the site is predominantly at very low risk of surface water flooding. However, there is an overland flow path and minor isolated areas of ponding associated with the existing ditch network, sloping topography of the site, and topographical low spots. Mitigation through an earthworks strategy, new drainage network including SuDS, and general design considerations will alleviate any such residual flood risk and improve existing surface water conditions.

Flood risk from all other sources is deemed to be low.

The primary attenuation provided onsite will comprise of a series of attenuation ponds. Additional sustainable drainage features, such as swales and street trees, are also to be incorporated within the development’s drainage design where feasible to enhance the treatment of surface water runoff produced onsite. In addition to managing drainage, these features also deliver biodiversity enhancements through the creation of new habitat features.

The foul drainage strategy is being developed in conjunction with Severn Trent Water and a connection point to the existing foul sewer network will be provided with the development providing funding to support any necessary enhancements identified.

The new drainage network will incorporate SUDS, which also deliver habitat and biodiversity enhancements

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