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Heritage and archaeology


Desk-based assessment, which includes analysis of historic maps and aerial imagery, has identified that the site has remained under agricultural and pasture use for much of its history. It is considered that the site has a known potential to contain post-medieval finds and farm-related features and possible activity relating to a brick yard adjacent to the site. Geophysical survey has been completed for the whole site and this has recorded anomalies relating to post-medieval or recent agricultural activity, along with an area of disturbance relating to the former brickworks. No areas of significant potential archaeological activity have been identified.

Based on the known information, the site is considered to have a moderate potential to contain finds and possibly scattered small-scale Roman roadside activity within the northern fields; a low potential to contain finds and features from the Prehistoric, Iron Age and medieval periods is identified. Discussions with the Local Planning Authority’s archaeologist will be held to agree an appropriate scope of works as the site moves forward towards an application submission.

1815 - click to enlarge

1838 - click to enlarge

1883 - click to enlarge

1938 - click to enlarge

1954 - click to enlarge

2023 - click to enlarge

Built heritage

Initial assessment of built heritage assets has been carried out to inform and shape the emerging masterplan for the site, and analysis is ongoing in this respect. The designated assets of note are the Grade II The Leasowes and Former Farm House at the Leasowes. The design process is responding sensitively to their setting with the provision of landscape buffers and by maintaining a long view southwards.

The Bridgnorth Conservation Area and Oldbury Conservation Area are considered to be unaffected by proposals for development of the site.

Shropshire Council does not maintain a Local List for built heritage, however analysis to date has identified three potential non-designated assets (Roundthorn Farm, Hundred House Farm and The Punch Bowl Public House) and further analysis is being undertaken to ensure that any impact of development is mitigated as much as possible.

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